Pretty good for the first submission of the almighty krinkels...
Pretty good for the first submission of the almighty krinkels...
Daniel im very impressed. that looks like it took a long time. dude i suck at fbf. good job! im lookin forward to your next flash!
HEY man thanks for the review!!!
umm.. gay?
dude this aint that great... just a ball bouncing wit crappy music
Not bad..
that was a decent flash... i didnt think it was funny but it was entertaining l=
Man you are great!
Weeb, you are awesome! i think ur better than Super FLash Bros!
I think what makes your flashes good is the graphics. they are great! Im adding you to my favorites for this.
Yay Elimination 4 is finally here! Great job splurgle keep em comin. The only thinng is it seems you kind of ripped of Antipithy's storyline but who cares. ps how do u reply to reviews like this one?
There's a little button underneath the review that says "respond to this review!"
thanks for watching! n_n
this was pretty badly animated. oh by the way how do u reply to reviews? just curious.
Ok this was just kinda gay... I mean a fake advertisment? Wow, thats exciting. Try using your talent on something more useful. You have potencial to use it on something good!
well, yeah. the assignment was to make a stupid advertisement.
Account moved to PlatinumX9. Yes, it has finally happened. Im so sorry.
Wade's Lawyer
Joined on 10/4/06