this is amazingly incredible 3 thumbs up
this is amazingly incredible 3 thumbs up
Welcome back
Glad to see your back! your music is revolutionary. Im serious you could make a living out of this. Nice new style.
Funky =D
that was tight man. got a nice funk feel to it. um lesse if you want to make me a new song i would like a song that was industrial. check out this track (archetype) btw check this guy out, hes amazing
it would be cool if the song sounded somthing like that.
see ya!
Ye hes good =O. I need to make music like that.
This is a sweet track. i loved it. my only complaint is the begginn. it was a lil boring and i didnt like the synth. the rest was beautiful
your bud,
Ye it was boring =(. Thanks so much for the review buddy!
yeah this is pretty cool sounding. not as good as project x 1067, but still good.i tend to like more fast paced songs. keep it up.
your bud,
Thanks. I actually hate this song =P.
wow, M-S im really impressed. you have really advanced in audio. im more of a flash guy and dont plan on making anymore audio. anyway, great song starts out a little boring and is great in the middle and end.
Thankyou. I learn fast. :) However I'm back at square one since I got myself a brand new music program. I never saw any of your flashes so maybe I'll view one. Bye for now
pretty good
im impressed bub, this is pretty good. i wish it looped better though.
i think im gonna use this in my upcoming flash. very impressive if your onyl a month into this. nice! make some more for me (+!
sweet ya ill make more and if you make a flash animation with it you let me know k? anyways thanks for the awesome comment see ya later.
im speechless
this song is amazing. it has a great feel too it and deserves its own genre. Helx 6, your work is amazing and you are definitly my favorite audio artist on NG. Keep up the good work!
That was pretty cool, dude make a full song to bad its a loop, oh DID you steal that song?
Account moved to PlatinumX9. Yes, it has finally happened. Im so sorry.
Wade's Lawyer
Joined on 10/4/06